Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Just a bunch of the latest pics!

Here are some pics from a little of everything lately!
Here I am playing with my cousin Kelsi
I love hiding in my Grams closet, it's even dark! another favorite thing to do, twirl in grams computer chair. Love the new toys from uncle Marvin. Thanks!
this is so fun! pretty posing!
Catch me if you can!

OH look it's my lil'cousin Samual! he's so cute!
Come on Lily let's swing!

Picking Dahlia's at the Dahlia Field! Mom's Fave!
These are pretty BIG flowers!
Hey it's Lily at the park!
At Cousin Lily's grandma's house! FUN just our size!
I wanted to pick them all!
Check out this Pumpkin at the Apple farm we went to when Grandama & Papa where here!
almost there!
Taking a bath with Lily!
and more cooking!
Hey Dad wait for me!
I think I'll take this one! ha!
I love the park!
Hey I went to Burger King with Grandma & Papa and look at my crown...and my blue lips...must be from a sucker?? weeeeee!
Playing with Sam and making him laugh is so fun! hey let me have that mom!
I love to swing with dad!
Papa & me!

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