Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Random Summer Shots!

I think this blog might go like my life... ;) Random! "when i have time" I'll get to it! Ya'all Know me! Enjoy!

February 2011

No excuses this time, just flat out busy! Grrr.

Lil Miss Maggie Mae is weighing in at a whoppin 26 pounds nowadays, is 100% girl; loving dress up, dancing, singing, twirling, pretties in her hair, yep pretty girly. She has gotten her ABC's down, has for sometime now, but there in the beginning she would skip a couple like L or N O. She loves to sing songs, twinkle, itsy bitsy, or yes she is a performer. She counts to 17, sometimes she just counts crazy like 1, 2 4 8 17...but then I say can you do it right and away she goes, to cute! Oh she absolutely LOVES parties, BIRTDAY parties; she'll say "oh i want to go to a Happy Birtday Party, PEEESE!!!" so cute, she asked to go to Pappa's Happy Birtday party just the other day. Tomorrow we really do have a Party, her little friend Nolan is turning 3 it's at the Children’s Museum, should be a fun time! =) Well here are a few pics to enjoy!

Photo shoot by my Cousin KK I love to wear my tutu's this time I pulled it up, danced around & giggled away! The day before Valentines day we went to see my Auntie Bev, Uncle Matt, Cousins Lily & Sam.
I HAD A BLAST! Yum Yum Decorating then eating a special cupcake. This is so much fun! YUMMY!
Gotta get a lick of the frosting in.
Maggie's new thing is to take pics...hey not so bad on this one... you should see ALL of them!
OH Princess Lily looks so serious
Sam wasted no time, straight to the eating of the cupcake! ;) Look at Maggie's Lovely Cupcake!

Aww cute bros!
Self portrait!
Not the best pics of Lil but i was trying to get her AWESOME get up!

Terrible pic but isn't her dressup so cute?

Maggie playing dress up and riding a tractor! "Pleaseing Mommy and Daddy of course"

Outside Fun!
Another fine pic taken by the Magpie!